Compulsory Motor Insurance in ASEAN

Brunei Darussalam

For anyone driving a motor vehicle on the road.


Minimum Required Insurance Coverage for Cross-Border Vehicles Entering Cambodia

The following minimum motor insurance coverage is required in accordance with the current laws and regulations:   

  1. Third-Party Liability: All types of vehicles when driving cross border into Cambodia must have a Cambodian motor insurance policy that includes the following third-party liability coverage :

    1. Bodily Injury/Death : For any one victim, up to a maximum of USD 5,000.00 (excluding medical expenses) or USD 6,000 (including medical expenses), as the case may be, any one victim any one accident subject to the Motor Bodily Injury Compensation Scale for Cambodia.

    2. Property Damage : For any one accident, up to a maximum of USD 5,000.00 in case of any one accident in respect of material damage to third party's property.

    3. Limit of any one event : In the event of accident involving indemnity under this Policy, the aggregate amount of indemnity to all persons and property damage indemnified is subject to a maximum of USD 26,000.00 including legal costs.

  2. Passenger Liability: In addition to the above-mentioned Third-Party Liability, all passenger transport vehicles must have a Cambodian motor insurance policy that includes the following passenger liability coverage :

    • Injury/Death:
      • For any one victim, up to a maximum of USD 5,000.00 (excluding medical expenses) or USD 6,000.00 (including medical expenses), as the case may be, any one victim any one accident subject to the Motor Bodily Injury Compensation Scale for Cambodia.

      • For any one event, In the event of accident involving indemnity under this Policy to more than one person, the aggregate amount of indemnity to all persons indemnified is subject to a maximum of:

        • USD 120,000.00 including legal costs for Passengers Liability for bus with seating capacity less than 50
        • USD 260,000.00 including legal costs for Passengers Liability for bus with seating capacity of 50 or more.


  • Passengers of public transport
  • Third party liability of motor vehicle by taking into account who is at fault in the event of accident (fault system).- Limited compensation for death, disability, medical cost and burial expenses.

    Injury : 20,000,000 IDR

    Death : 50,000,000 IDR

Laos PDR

  • Third Party Liability cover
  • Every victim of road accident must be protected, according to Notice from MOF N.0772 date 24/04/2009,  settlement under no fault principle
  • Bodily injury, Death or Total Permanent Disability, Medical expenses, Material Damages

    Injury : 101,400,000 LAK (12,675 USD) per Accident

    Death : 12,000,000 LAK (1,500 USD) per person


  • Third Party Injury


  • Third – Party
  • Death, bodily injury

    -In case of Bodily Injury 
    maximum 2,400,000 Kyats per person

    -In case of Death
    3,000,000 Kyats per person


  • For Death and Bodily Injury

    Injury /Death : 100,000 PHP


  • Death and bodily injury only.

    Injury /Death : Unlimited amount


  • The CMI cover only covers life and bodily injury, vehicle and property damage are not included.
  • Maximum Coverage (including preliminary coverage) is compensation that the company will pay in the event of a loss or bodily injury (applying fault basis)

    1. Bodily injury (for passenger, third party) not more than 80,000 Bath.

    2. Loss of life or Permanent disability (for passenger, third party) 500,000 Bath.

    3. Daily payment to cover loss of earnings in the event of hospitalization (inpatient) 4,000 Baht. 200 Baht per day (maximum 20 days per occurrence) maximum sum not more than 504,000 Baht.


  • The third party’s bodily injury, death and damages to properties caused by the motor vehicles.
  • Bodily injury and death of passengers in the motor vehicles as per transportation contract caused by other motor vehicles.

    Injury / Death : 70,000,000VND/person/accident

   Blue Card Scheme

Why is it important ?

Blue Card is the document evidencing the existence of compulsory motor vehicle insurance policy issued by ASEAN Compulsory Motor Insurance System (ACMI) in accordance with provision of the Protocol 5 of AFAFGIT.

The scheme has been updated under the revised Blue Card Directive from paper to electronic Blue Card.


Details in the Blue Card. 

ASEAN Transport Agreements require goods carrying vehicles and transit transport vehicles, to obtain compulsory motor insurance of the transit country and destination country before crossing the border.  When purchase the Compulsory Motor Insurance or Third-Party Liability the insured will receive an insurance policy and Blue Card (Electronic Blue Card) to identify with the competent authority before crossing the border.

1. Blue Card no.
2. Insurance company
3. Name of the insured
4. Vehicle registration
5. Policy no.
6. Period of the coverage
7. The origin and destination country
8. Names and addresses of the National Bureau of Insurance in the contracting party.

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